Medical OTC

OTC is short for "over the counter". This refers to all products that you can buy without a prescription. These products are especially popular when you need help quickly but don't have time to visit a doctor.

Cough, cold and flu

Cold season

Autumn is considered the season for colds, as the falling temperatures cause coughs, colds and flu-like infections. There are two reasons for this:

The falling temperatures put stress on the circulatory system and weaken the immune system. In addition, most people stay in poorly ventilated, heated rooms which dries out the mucous membranes. This makes it easier for pathogens to take hold and you get sick more quickly. If the symptoms are minor, it is not absolutely necessary to see a doctor. Household remedies such as tea with honey, a hot bath or inhalation can provide some relief, while lozenges in different flavours support the healing process and ensure that any sore throat disappears quickly.

Runny noses can be treated with nasal sprays, which help the mucous membranes to recover and allow you to breathe freely again. Muscle and limb aches, which can also occur during a cold, can be treated with heat patches or a warming cream. The warmth relaxes the muscles, which improves blood circulation. This provides the affected cells with nutrients that help to overcome the symptoms and aid recovery.

Allergy medication

Pollen in spring

Pollen is on the way when nature is green and in bloom. Only in winter is there a recovery period. As soon as spring begins, many people are affected by allergies, which are manifested by watery eyes and a runny nose. These symptoms can also promote ear infections if the allergens weaken the immune system.

These allergic reactions can be reduced with suitable medication. Since everyone reacts to different allergens, you need to know which substances trigger these reactions in you and avoid them if possible. Where this is not possible, special eye drops, nose drops and also over-the-counter drops for the ears can help.  In addition, antihistamine drugs can reduce the symptoms and help you to get on with your day.

It is not always allergens that cause problems for the eyes. Artificial light in the winter months or looking at computer screens for hours on end also cause above-average strain on the eyes, which can cause them to burn and become red. Medications such as eye-drops and sprays can be used as an immediate remedy to moisten the eyes and thus relieve the itching.

Digestive complaints

Indigestion and stomach problems

Pain in the stomach and intestinal area is all about the metabolism in the human body. Eating the wrong foods can be responsible for you feeling a sense of fullness, which can be accompanied by heartburn. Heartburn is a rising pain in the pit of the stomach and behind the breastbone that can extend into the throat or pharynx. Often, but not necessarily, we can also experience a bloated sensation and need to pass wind at the same time. The place where this happens is always the oesophagus, a muscular tube that uses muscle movements to transport food from the throat to the stomach. The oesophagus enters the stomach through the diaphragm.

Normally, a group of muscle fibres there prevents the food from rising back up. If this sphincter, called the oesophageal sphincter, is weakened or its function is disturbed, stomach contents can flow back into the oesophagus, triggering heartburn. Regular occurrences of heartburn must be examined by a doctor and treated with the appropriate measures. However, if it is a one-off complaint that can be attributed to a rich meal, you can comfortably resort to self-help. There are tablets and drops to relieve stomach discomfort, which reduce the unpleasant pressure and bring quick relief from the symptoms.

If you need support for digestion, LIVSANE offers the right solution: whether medical or herbal nature - a healthy intestine is a prerequisite for a healthy body. Intestinal bacteria are responsible for the digestion of food. Constipation and diarrhoea, on the other hand, indicate that the intestines need help. For acute symptoms, products that help with diarrhoea or constipation are available in many forms and can rapidly reduce symptoms.

Healthy hair

For healthy scalps

LIVSANE has quick help at hand when your head itches. Unfortunately head lice are common all year round, especially in places where many children put their heads together such as schools and playgrounds. Sometimes lice can infect the hair and scalp causing significant discomfort, itching and irritation. When this happens immediate relief is required from a product which can give relief and prevent further infection. LIVSANE have a range of specialist shampoos and lotions which have a rapid effect and can be rinsed out easily.  

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